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Feb 26, 20237 min read
Lessons I learnt Listening to Pro DMs
As with any skills, the gap between the professional Dungeon Masters and the everyday enthusiasts like you and I can be enormous. That...

Jan 29, 20235 min read
What does it mean to be a Dungeon Master?
So, it's kinda funny that I've got a few dozen articles into this site before actually addressing what it means to be a Dungeon Master...

Jan 22, 20231 min read
d20 Random City Encounters
Need something to keep your Dungeons and Dragons party busy in town? Check out this random city encounters table for a little inspiration!

Jan 18, 20235 min read
Should you start with homebrew or pre-written D&D adventures?
Ok, so you've decided to run your first ever Dungeons and Dragons campaign - that's awesome, I'm proud of you! You are gonna have an...

Jan 10, 20233 min read
A fun game for NPC creation
A while back, my partner and I were on holiday in Paris, and she introduced me to a game that she used to play as a kid. Basically, as...

Jan 3, 20231 min read
More random NPC names (for multiple races)
Need a few names for random NPCs in your campaign? No worries - this list has got you covered. If you want a bunch more names,...

Dec 25, 20224 min read
The lazy way to do your D&D prep
Usually when I prep for a Dungeons and Dragons session, I have some vague idea of the direction I expect the session to go in. Often my...

Dec 7, 20221 min read
D&D Tavern Encounters
All great D&D adventures involve a few trips to the tavern every now and again. It can be a bit of a snooze if there's nothing going on...

Dec 4, 20224 min read
When's the best time to start? Before you're ready.
So, this post is actually less Dungeons and Dragons advice than general life advice. That doesn't mean it's not important though – you...

Nov 30, 20221 min read
D&D Human NPC names
Struggling to think of a name for your NPCs? Worry not - just download the list above and use that whenever your players next want to...

Nov 26, 20225 min read
Creating NPCs in D&D
NPCs are super important in any Dungeons and Dragons campaign. They are basically what bring your world to life. Sure, you can have...

Nov 9, 20225 min read
Dealing with DM nerves
Being a Dungeon Master can be a pretty nerve-wracking experience. A lot of people (myself included) don't usually like being the centre...

Nov 2, 20226 min read
NPC voices in D&D
One aspect of DnD which seems to strike the most fear into the hearts of would-be DMs is the difficulty of giving your NPCs fun and...

Oct 25, 20225 min read
Improve your D&D campaign with this improv technique
If you have even just the most basic understanding of improv comedy (which, full disclosure, I have only the most basic understanding of...
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